JAKARTA : A Solo Trip

By nabila hanna - 02.00

Gak solo solo banget sih...
Jadi critanya habis rapotan bapak dan ibu berbaik hati menawarkan sebuah liburan menyenangkan full sponsored oleh mereka ke Jakarta.
"Tapi sendiri gapapa?"
"Ya gapapa sih,"
Dan sesimpel itu haha, padahal biasanya my parents itu strict banget soal travelling, but anyhw finally kita pesen tiket di traveloka dan berangkat hari rabu berikutnya.

Stasiun Yogyakarta!! kereta berangkat jam 10 tapi aku dan ortu udah sampai di stasiun jam 9 kurang. Sebenernya niat gojek sendiri tapi they insist buat nganter so akusih ga keberatannya udah gausah bayar adem lagi wkwk. since aku orangnya panikan, we tried our best buat ngurangin barang bawaan biar gak ribet. so in the end aku cuma bawa satu ransel dan satu totebag.

books and trains are just soulmates yall:(

and for the record i always freaking love trains. bahkan kalau misal ditawarin kereta or pesawat i'll boldly choose the first option. kenapa ya, i always found the muffled sounds of the engine to be enchanting, not to mention the view we can get from it's window are just asdfghjkl

anyhow, i manage to get my seat, duduk dengan tenang sendiri sampe stasiun cirebon dimana kemudian ada seorang ibu sama anaknya, she sat beside me while her son sat in the other row. we talked a little bit (re; for the rest of the trip tbh) and yeah, we were having a nice convo back then, knowing that i'm just junior in highschool traveling hundreds kilometers away from home all alone she even buy me a cup of coffee (ily tante dimanapun tante berada huhu💗)

aku sampai di Jatinegara tepat sebelum maghrib. the train got delayed for few minutes but it's fine, jakarta selalu crowded tiap maghrib gangerti lagi so i got quite of a hard times finding my brother who were supposed to pick me up at the station. but yeah, at least we finally met, dia terus pesen gocar dan kita berangkat ke rumah sepupuku di daerah Ceger. 

sesampainya di rumah sepupuku i unpacked my things, makan, ngobrol bentar and since i was so damn tired aku langsung naik dan tidur.

good meowning jakarta!

so i woke up at around 6? agak kaget karna tiba tiba jempol ada yang gigit ternyata milo huhu gemash skl diriku, oiya milo adalah kucing anggora warna putih yang udah tinggal disitu for few months. pagi itu juga mas gar harus balik ke kos karena dia ada kuliah and since im still to tired to do anything dan keponakanku  harus ke sma bentar untuk ngurus beberapa hal we decided untuk keluarnya malem aja. i got bored so i played with milo, bantuin sepupuku buat ngeorganize jualanya. oiya! fyi dia adalah agen es krim gitu. they have this big ass fridge to keep hundreds of ice cream and for the rest of the day she constantly ofered me various type of ice cream lmao bahagia bgt diriku.
she also ordered me a jelly drink (idk what it actually is but it's hella tasty) seger banget man you know lah jakarta panasnya kaya apa huhu

at 3 PM my cousin rara arrived at home, dan karena kita bingung bet mau ngapain we scroll down tix.id siapa tau ada film bagus. turns out Toy Story 4 is playing and since i've always been a hoe for disney's we decided to watch it. and since mobil belum dirumah we ordered gocar an headed to Cijantung.

it was fun!

after the movie we stopped by Bread Talk to grab some snacks since we were kinda hungry (two box of medium popcorn and large cola was not enough ngl perut orang endonesa) kita juga muter muter Sephora for a while, enggak beli apa apa lmao poor ppl behavior.  we went directly home at 9. 

not much happen in this day. we were planning to go to Tangerang, ke tempat tanteku where i'll spent the rest of my holiday sorenya. so the whole day aku sama rara cuma rebahan di kamar, gitaran, main sama milo, netflix gibahin bangtan dan kegiatan berfaedah lainya wkwk. 
jam 2 budeku dateng so we quickly dressed up dan berangkat. aku, rara dan bude are going to take the bus so aku dan sepupuku mampir ke indomaret buat beli masker since yah yall know jakarta polusinya kaya gimana :")
karena macet, kita baru sampe di tangerang sekitar jam 6 sore. turns out sepupuku yang lain ratna udah sampai duluan. the three of us then makan boci yang dibawain ratna bareng bareng di rooftop rumah. ohya, rumah tanteku tu lucu wkwk, since lahan yang dia punya ga seberapa besar she decided to space up the house by build it legit ke atas bukan kesamping, total ada 4 lantai di rumah tante dan rooftop yang bisa diakses. aku dan saudara sepersepupuanku biasanya main gitar disini, curhat, begadang sampe jam 3 pagi or just blasting sad musics dan nangis sambil liat bintang lmao iya emo bgt kita emang.

in addition kita kemudian jalan keluar sekitar jam 11 malem buat beli martabak keju di samping rumah since i was craving for it since months dan kedua saudaraku juga udah laper wkwk gajelas emang

ahh timbangan (:

tidur hampir jam 3 pagi dengan perut kekenyangan was not enough to stop us from waking up early dan jalan ke car free day di modern land. kecuali Rara yang jalanpun mukanya masih beler minta ampun wkwk. we walked about 20 minutes to the location, aku yang udah craving kerak telor langsung jelalatan nyari but sadly kita kepagian jadi berhubung udah laper we ordered roti maryam dan segelas es teh.
later that day we went to Lotte Mart BSD since omku mau beli AC buat kamar paling atas. cuma aku, ratna, my other cousins bian dan el, om dan tante yang ikut, rara dan bude harus pulang ke Ceger since they still have some unfinished business on the next day. oh i always love driving around jakarta sore sore. gak terlalu panas, stuck in the traffic pun bakal less stressful daripada macet siang bolong. cuaca sore itupun cerah banget, nearly gaada awan, muter muter BSD rasanya kaya lagi sunset drive di LN gangerti lagi huhu. 

an additional grocery shopping!

after we got what we need we went straightly back home. it is already late, and we were so tired setelah keliling lotte dan nunggu pengurusan pembayaran so cuma aku dan om yang bangun, since he was driving. the rest were just passed out in the passenger seats. the night view was beyond perfect, we were jamming to a whole new world, taylor swift and urie's ME! and another songs from the radio since omku gaul banget lagu lagu kek gitu apal semua wkwk we be vibing and laughing at the same time, ah what a night!

this was one hell of a busy day. since omku mau AC dipasang hari ini juga, a man from the service center came to install it. dan karena tante harus ngurus el yang masih bayi dan bian ada acara diluar aku dan ratna yang jadi sasaran lmao gapapa om i still love you wkwk
mondar mandir dari lantai 4 ke lantai dua buat nurunin barang dari kamar dan itu jakarta lagi panas banget gila sampe baju aja basah like legit basah. jam 1 siang barulah beres aku sama rara buru buru mandi dan ngadem di kamar bawah, badan pegel semua cuyy
sekitar jam 4 sore tante nawarin buat muter muter ke kota tua, dan aku yang emang gabut iya iya aja. so off we go, kali ini ada tambahan personil, tanteku yang lain, Tante Nani who lived in another part of the city and her sons, bayu dan gani ikut. so the 9 of us went to kota tua.

after walking around for a while, we decided to find something to eat. aku, tante dan ratna yang keluar buat nyari makanan langsung pisah buat beli makanan yang dipengenin. aku udah narik narik bajunya tante minta kerak telor kek bocah sd lmao. 

after months of waiting 

after we got what we want sat down, listening to some people who were busking di tengah lapangan. the whole atmosphere were crowded and yet calming. we talked about a lot of things. our school, our life, our plans for tomorrow. they were playing Dewa's songs  in acoustic, soon we were singing along the buskers, having a time in our life not gonna lie, i love these kind of moments. good musics, good food and great people surrounding me. another great night!

sadly ratna harus pulang hari itu. she had to attend a rehearsal for her theatrical performance at school. so i called my brother who were in Bintaro that time to come dan jalan jalan. he promised that he would arrived at about 11 and he did. and then the same crisis hapened. we didn't know where to go and what to do so we were just sitting in the sofa scrolling down the internet to find a nice references. then the idea popped out.
"let's just go for an aimless walk," he said, grinning. and i agree. jadi sekitar jam setengah 3 kita berangkat and since we want this to be a cheap ass trip we decided to take angkot ke stasiun krl.

the commuter line was still empty since it was the first station

we have quite close relationship, my brother and i. but since he started to go to one of the university in Bintaro kita kemudian jarang ketemu, which makes me sad at the beginning. so yeah, while we were waiting for the train to set off (the train departs at 3 PM) we talked. we tease each other much, he'd mock my music taste, my habits of taking pictures of every aesthetic things and like, lit everything about me. and i'll mocked him back on his attitude sebagai bocah indie. we were laughing way too loud that the people around us started to look at us wkwk.
the plan for today is to randomly take any commuter line, and if it started to get too crowded we would got off the train to find another one, randomly.
after few trains i saw Monas from the window, so i poked his arms and say i wanted to spend the
evening here. and so our random trip berakhir di stasiun jakarta pusat.

another walk!

we then head to Taman Lapangan Banteng since he said one of his friend recommend that place to watch the sunsets, biasaa anak indie mah nyarinya senja wkwk. dan karna both of us buta arah mas gar kemudian make google map to guide us and when he did, it's to late, harusnya dari stasiun kita langsung lurus aja tapi kita malah belok jadinya legit muter. but it's fine, i always cherish such evening walk.
we arrived at the park sekitar jam 4 sore. the park was beautiful, really.

pretty :3

we walked around the park once before we decide to look for a spot to settle down. selama muter muter yang kita kerjain ya cuma satu, ngomentarin orang lmao, we can be one hell of a judgey siblings if we want to. ga ngejudge yang gimana gimana, cuma kaya yang

"mas, liat mbak mbak yang lagi duduk sendiri itu? dia pasti anak indie,"
"kok tau?"
"liat aja, dia pake outer shirt warna tone earth, bawa totebag pula,"
"sok tau banget wkwk,"


and as the sun started to sets the talk gets a little bit deeper. he asked me about my interest in life, what i wanted to be. and soon both of us share our struggles, what's been holding me back for these months, what's been in his mind for these years, our concern about the future, our childhood dreams that we failed to pursue, quite of a depressing talk and yet he then closed the evening with his advise, the suns were almost at it's position and the curtain started to close, a mesmerizing sight of an evening to remember.

 the journey doesn't end there fellas, we decided that it'll be way to crowded if we went straight home, so we went to Istiklal first to pray. I've never been to this mosque before, it's pretty. after that we thought it'll be better if we took another walk since these kind of moment were rare and we wanted to hold it as long as possible, so we went to Monas.

he took me for a better sight of the monument, to see how beautiful the color change and after that we sat in the grass and decided to contact our parents trough video call. we were practically bragging to our parents of our evening trip and the call ended with them telling us to go home before 9. we sat down for a while, having another conversation before his alarm rang and it is the time to go home. we stopped at 7/11 near the station to grab some water and snacks since we were starving and yet we were afraid we would missed the last commuter line so we ate quickly and went inside the station.
it was less crowded and yet i still have to stand since there was an old grandma so i gave my seat to her. and my brother gave his seat for a pregnant mom who were with his little daughter. i was sleepy and tired jadi kita mesen gocar biar bisa istirahat sebentar di mobil. and yeah, it's a fun day!

although my body is still sore from the previous walk, pas om sama tante nawarin buat ke ocean park aku maen iya iya aja wkwk darah muda memang. kali ini mas gar nggak ikut since he had to go back to Bintaro. Ocean Park BSD ga jauh jauh banget dari rumah cuma 15 minutes away i think?  
and so we arrived at the waterpark. aku langsung ganti dan nyebur. ada 6 bocil yang ikut hari itu and since aku adalah satu satunya teenager aku harus ngasuh mereka dong wtf badanku astaga :") 

but then at about 1 PM i got a freaking heat stroke karena emang panasnya ga maen maen aku anak jogja yang tiap harinya adem ayem subahanallah tiba tiba dipanggang di suhu sepanas itu also perbedaan suhu di air yang dingin dan di luar yang puanas minta ampun i was about to passed out tbh, tante yang notice ekspresiku yang nahan nyeri langsung nyuruh istirahat under the shade, mesenin air dingin dan kentang goreng. setelah istirahat bentar dan badan enakan aku mutusin buat naik trampolin di situ lmao not gonna put any footage of me doing it since gangerti lagi malu banget wkwk.
dan terus aku ganti baju. dan gantian jagain gani, my little cousins yang astaghfirullah aktifnya setengah hidup, ngikut kesana sini, dia maen di deket kolam renang yang dalem gitu ya waswas dong manusia mana udah ganti lagi kalo dia jatoh aku nyebur basah mo ganti pake baju apa anj

potret manusia hiperaktif tapi sayang💛

kita pulang sekitar jam 4 sore dengan badan pegel. malam itu aku nginep di tempat tante nani (ibunya Gani) since besoknya aku pulang dari sana. setelah pamitan sama om, tante, bilang makasih for everything aku ikut sampai BDI.

Bangun pagi dengan badan puegell minta ampun, sarapan, double check kalau ada yang ketinggalan aku main di sekeliling perumahan sama Bayu dan Gani. and when the time comes, jam 2 siang kami berangkat ke pasar senen. keretaku berangkat jam 7 malem but we wanted to take a look di pasar senen, since tante nani mau beli beberapa hal. 
setelah muter muter pasar sekitar jam 5 kita balik lagi ke stasiun buat nuker tiket dan beli roti o siapa tau nanti malemnya aku laper.

jam setengah 7 penumpang udah boleh masuk so i said my goodbye and my gratitude dan masuk ke gatenya. 

and since aku duduk sendirian, i finished my reading All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. got a little bit emotional in few part of the books that some people started to look at me who were legit crying my ass out but then when they saw i was holding a book they just smiled to themselves. also, i ordered a glass of coffee cause i'm not planning to get any sleep. kereta nyampe di jogja sekitar pukul 3 pagi, rencananya sih kakak pertamaku yang bakal jemput, yall know bulan itu adalah bulan terdingin di jogja, jadi bayangin aja naik motor jam 3 pagi legit cuma pake celana panjang sama shirt yang tipis banget no jacket, no warm shoes, rasanya gerakin bibir aja susah wkwk. 

and that's how it ends. this holiday was one of my best holiday in my opinon.
i always love going to Jakarta, though people often think it is a super hot and crowded (makanya kalo di jakarta keluar rumahnya malem aja!) and majority said that it's a stressfull city aku justru menemukan bising khas perkotaan menjadi sesuatu yang calming. what i loved the most was how the city rarely slept. di jogja begadang sampai jam 3 pagi was a depressing experience, karena aku tinggal di desa, so it's legit quiet, you can even hear your own pulse ngl. sense of semua orang terlelap dalam damai dan cuma aku satu satunya makhluk tuhan yang masih bangun kerasa banget. but here, di jakarta aku begadang sampai jam 3 pagi masih banyak banget orang diluar, (dulu aku biasanya ngobrol di warung nasi goreng bang john sampe jam 12 malem tapi sekarang angkringan tercinta itu udah tutup huhu). duduk di rooftop atau di balkon sambil dengerin lamat lamat suara kendaraan, suara helikopter, people talking, chanting, screaming, suara banyak lah pokoknya. sampai larut malam pun banyak yang masih terjaga dalam tawa, dalam obrolan, juga pikiran, atau dalam kekhawatiran. apa ya, aku ngrasa nggak sendirian?  this going to take way too much page lmao, i have to end it here, so yeah, i enjoy the holiday, thanks for reading!

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