JAKARTA #2 : Happy Graduation!

By nabila hanna - 04.44

just dream, i will be there for your creation until the end of your life.
Jadi, after years of hardship kakak keduaku finally finished his education. As a good and supportive family aku, bapak dan ibu jelas datang dong. Aku sampai dengan berat hati (halah) bolos sekolah demi acara yang katanya bakal prosperous itu.

stasiun tugu!

it's been a while since bapak dan ibu travels by train, dan karena aku udah cukup terbiasa (re; jatuh cinta) sama alat transportasi ini, aku yang bertanggung jawab soal penukaran tiket, letak gerbong, etc. We got one huge suitcase dan seperti biasa aku bawa ransel sendiri. The trains set off at 7 so aku dan keluarga berangkat dari rumah sekitar jam setengah 6 karena stasiun tugu lumayan jauh dari rumah. All of us were excited, terutama bapak. He keep peeking out from the window. During the whole trip we talked a lot, about everything, we dont even sleep wkwk padahal biasanya bapak ibu kalo pergi jauh pasti ketiduran. 

Bapak banyak cerita hari itu. he was a wanderer back then. Before he become a teacher he used to work in lots of area in the whole island. Jadi beliau punya banyak cerita soal daerah daerah di pulau jawa. he also pointed some objects that we used to visit when i was a child troughout the window. Sungai  misalnya, he told me dulu kami pernah istirahat disitu pas mudik, we parked the car di pinggiran sungai dan turun untuk main air. He also point to me beberapa jalan antar provinsi yang biasa kita lalui kalau lagi mudik pake mobil atau bus.

Ibu juga banyak cerita, she told me how the facilities of trains nowadays beda banget kaya kereta jaman dulu. She also told me stories about some region yang kita lewati. Ah iya, rel kereta api yang akan kami lewati tu bakal lewat di desanya nenekku, di daerah Bumi Ayu, jadi pas udah sampai daerah paguyangan, she told me to look out from the window where i can see the bumpy road that lead to my grandma's house. She also remember all the tunnel we had to passed trough jadi setiap udah deket beliau selalu bilang "Dek, bentar lagi terowongan,"

We eat the food we brought from home for lunch, and as usual i ordered a cup of coffee dari mbak mbak yang biasanya muter itu namanya siapa sih wkwk.

Oh iya! there were a small family sitting on the other row, turns out anak mereka kuliah di universitas yang sama dengan mas gar (walau beda jurusan) and their trip ke jakarta juga buat menghadiri wisuda. Kami ngobrol dengan mereka for a while.

At last we arrived at stasiun senen jam 4 sore. And headed home directly.

DAY 2 (D-DAY!)
I woke up early in the morning, dressed up as quick as possible, putting a bit of make up dan kira kira jam setengah 6 kita berangkat. It was specifically said in the invitation the dress code (baju adat nasional for the family) dan bahwa kami harus sampai di venue sebelum jam 6. Tapi karena venue nya (ICE BSD) was just five minutes away kami agak santai. Mas Gar bilang beberapa ortu temenya bahkan berangkat jam 5 pagi!

The venue was already crowded when we arrived. Aku, Bapak dan ibu pisah sama mas gar since he had to sit with his fellow students dan kami akan duduk di tempat duduk khusus keluarga. when we enter the venue, we exchange our invitation with a seat number and a paper bracelet.

each of us got this paper bracelet!


it started sekitar jam setengah 8 dengan para wisudawan memasuki venue. dan tamu khusus our beloved mentri keuangan Ibu Sri Mulyani dateng bersama wisudawan terbaik yang IPKnya subahannalah aku ingin menangis:"). setelah beberapa sambutan dan pidato, prosesi wisuda dimulai. dan karena wisudawannya ada ribuan, it took more than 4 hours gila ga tuh wkwk. agak gabut sebenernya so aku mulai keliling keliling venue, gabisa keluar karena begitu keluar gaboleh masuk lagi jahat banget gatuh.
after it ends, they present us lots and lots of amazing performing arts. ada nyanyi, nari, teatrikal, dj juga wkwk (after the graduation end i legit told my bro: wisudamu tu kaya campuran dwp dan upacara kenegaraan wkwk).
so yeah, at 2 PM the whole event finished and we went out of the venue. dan aku masih balik ke venue lagi sama mas gar buat nuker kupon makan sama sekotak luch hokben. diluar udah ada om, tante, my grandma dan sepupu sepupuku nunggu, total ada 10 orang and they brought lots of flowers dan aku baru sadar dong aku belum beli bunga atau hadiah apapun wkwk bego bgt emang. so i quickly grab my wallet dan beli bunga di nearest flower stall. 

a proud sissy💖

my mom and dad hug him and said that they were beyond proud of him, and you know lahh those kind of things. we got a bit emotional here lmao.
setelah puas foto foto we head to Tangcity Mall karna laper bos! sempet bingung mau makan dimana, ada yang pengen sushi, ada yang west food, ada juga yang pengen pecel, so we decided untuk ngambil jalan tengah dan makan di Solaria wkwk.

tiramisu, one of his fav

so yeah there's not much happening on the next day, we're just having a small family gathering dan malemnya kita ke Bintaro buat bantuin mas gar pindahan. We went back home to Jogja in the fourth day. so yeah it was a nice trip!

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